The call will support research and innovation projects that establish integrated and cross-sectoral approaches for risk-management combining the research areas of contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs), pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. The whole water cycle, from the source through the river basins and eventually to the estuaries and oceans, has to be considered. 32 funding organizations from 26 countries are pooling resources of about 24 M€ to implement the joint transnational call for research and innovation projects.
The call is divided into three themes with several subthemes:
- Measuring – Environmental behavior of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in aquatic ecosystems
- Evaluating – Risk assessment and management of CECs, pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria from aquatic ecosystems (inland, coastal and marine)
- Taking Actions – Strategies toe reduce CECs, Pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in aquatic ecosystems (inland, coastal and marine)
Aquatic Pollutants has received funding from the European union’s horizon 2020 research and annovation programme under grant agreement no 869178-Aquatic Pollutants.
All information about the call and how to apply is available here.
More about the JPIs:
The European Commission is encouraging Member States to work together on research into a range of topics that pose a challenge to European citizens now and in the years ahead, because European researchers can achieve more results and make better use of public funds through research cooperation and RDI programming coordination than by working separately.
Actually, the JPI Water consists of 23 member countries and three observer countries. The membership accounts for 88% of all European public RDI annual expenditure on water issues
JPI Oceans covers all European sea basins with 20 member countries and one observer country. The JPI bundles marine and maritime research. Further information:
JPIAMR is a global collaborative platform and has engaged 28 nations to curb antibiotic resistance (AMR) with a One Health approach. More information see