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Full ‘at scale trial’ of technology to cut NO₂ emissions of a WWTP

Suez announces its partnership with Severn Trent Water in the multimillion Net Zero Hub set to start in September in the latter's Strongford Sewage Treatment Works in Staffordshire, UK.

von | 15.06.23

Arial view of the aeration bassin of a WWTP
Source: Kletr / Adobe Stock
Net Zero Hub

June 14, 2023 Ι Suez announces its partnership with Severn Trent Water in the multimillion Net Zero Hub set to start in September in the latter’s Strongford Sewage Treatment Works in Staffordshire, UK.

The Net Zero Hub at Strongford, the world’s first carbon-neutral waste treatment facility, is being supported by the Ofwat Innovation Fund with a £10 million grant. The Ofwat Innovation Fund provides financial support for pioneering water sector innovations, with a goal to advancing sustainable and management practices in the industry.

Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation, awarded the project another £900,000, while Severn Trent invested £28 million to make this goal a reality.

Preventing 34,000 tons of carbon emissions annually

In the United Kingdom, the water industry’s contribution to the overall carbon footprint is estimated at 2% — 5%, with two thirds of these emissions associated with waste treatment activities. According to the Research Institute for Water and Waste Management at the RWTH Aachen University (FiW) e. V. (Germany) NO2 emissions account for about 6 – 7 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and for up to 40 % of the total GHG emissions of a wastewater treatment plant.

Liv Garfield, CEO of Severn Trent, emphasised the significance of the carbon-neutral hub, saying,
„The impact of this cannot be underestimated given emissions from wastewater are 80% of our operational emissions, and the hub will solve that.“ She also expressed the company’s commitment to sharing the hub’s blueprint with other water companies worldwide, enabling the retrofitting of wastewater treatment plants with these innovative technologies.“

The Net Zero Hub at Strongford is a full ‚at-scale trial‘ of Suez’s AirAdvanced®ActiLayer technology, an innovative on-site solution, aims to tackle N2O gas emissions from activated sludge plants and significantly reduce the carbon impact associated with wastewater treatment. By combining ActiLayer with other cutting-edge technologies, the group aims to revolutionize carbon impact reduction in wastewater treatment processes.

Initially created for odour control purposes, AirAdvanced®ActiLayer offers an advanced filter that utilizes light energy (often sunlight) to break down captured pollutants through a process called photocatalysis. It can be retrofitted into existing tanks, offering a cost-effective emissions management solution on-site.

Photocatalytic treatment at Net Zero Hub

AirAdvanced®Actilayer’s unique photocatalytic treatment mechanism has already proven its effectiveness in treating nuisance odours such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Now, SUEZ is pioneering its application for N2O emissions reduction, showcasing the technology’s versatility and potential to tackle one of the most pressing challenges in the industry.

Robert Kelly, Air & Climate Business Development Director at SUEZ, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, „We recognise the urgency to reduce direct process emissions and aspire to achieve Net Zero while providing access to water services, with resilient and innovative solutions“

The innovative on-site solution aims to tackle N2O gas emissions from activated sludge plants and significantly reduce the carbon impact associated with wastewater treatment. By combining ActiLayer with other cutting-edge technologies, SUEZ aims to revolutionise carbon impact reduction in wastewater treatment processes. Initially created for odour control purposes, AirAdvanced®ActiLayer offers an advanced filter that utilises light energy (often sunlight) to break down captured pollutants through a process called photocatalysis. It can be retrofitted into existing tanks, offering a cost-effective emissions management solution on-site.

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