In the Netherlands precipitation has increased by about 100 mm/a during the last century. Nevertheless, drought has become an increasing issue besides heavy rainfall. The utility announced that they take all measures to retain in the main water system of the region, but this is not enough to cope with the drought. Any measures to drain land will not be allowed, but instead landowners in rural areas are requested to take measures to retain water in the soil and the capillary system of their land. Such measures are called “water savings”. Retaining water at a time when more than enough water is available is necessary to enable refilling of groundwater reservoirs to the most possible extent and prevent damage due to droughts.
Waterschap Valleie en Velluwe lists several technical devices that are approved to retain water. So, they give financial support for the installation of steel plates to dam ditches, wooden plates or balloons to close culverts or big bags and sand sacs that help keeping water in place. A single landowner may be given 10,000 € as a maximum. Besides the above-mentioned, well-known measures, the utility encourages the landowners to develop innovative ideas.
Further information see
PFAS in NRW: Unsichtbare Gefahr mit milliardenschweren Folgen
PFAS, die unsichtbaren „Ewigkeitschemikalien“, stecken in Alltagsprodukten – doch in der Umwelt werden sie zur Gefahr. Eine Recherche zeigt: Auch in NRW sind zahlreiche Orte belastet. Die Reinigung könnte Milliarden kosten.