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Climate adaption solutions for the water sector in the German-Danish border area

More than 60 participants met in Kolding, Denmark, from March 23 to 24 for the final conference of the INTERREG-Project NEPTUN. In the frame of this project, more than 40 partners elaborated 15 specific climate adaption solutions for the water sector.

von | 13.04.23

April 12, 2023 Ι More than 60 participants met in Kolding, Denmark, from March 23 to 24 for the final conference of the INTERREG-Project NEPTUN. In the frame of this project, more than 40 partners elaborated 15 specific climate adaption solutions for the water sector.

The water sector is particularly affected by climate change. On the one hand, heavy rainfall events occur more frequently and lead to local flooding. On the other hand, there is an increase in droughts, which lead to reduced plant growth and even plant death. This poses major challenges for water supply and disposal. How to meet these challenges in practice? This was the main topic of the final conference of the German-Danish Interreg project NEPTUN. More than 60 participants from companies, municipalities and universities listened to inspiring presentations and discussed practical solutions. Particularly impressive was the urgent appeal by renowned climate scientist Sebastian Mernild, who called for all available climate protection measures to be implemented quickly.

Practical solutions for urgent challenges

The two-day conference also concluded with excursions to successfully implemented climate adaptation measures in the Brændkjær district of Kolding and in Middelfart. Here, rainwater is temporarily stored on site in troughs and basins, which not only relieves the burden on the sewage system but also enhances the neighbourhood through newly designed green spaces and parks.

Stronger together

The network of more than 40 actors, including the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, the University of Southern Denmark as well as the Danish environmental cluster CLEAN and municipalities from Denmark and Germany, has raised society’s awareness of the consequences of climate change in various event formats on both sides of the border. Fifteen concrete solutions for climate adaptation in the water sector have been developed and presented. Following the successful conclusion of the NEPTUN project, discussions are underway on a joint follow-up application that focuses more strongly on concepts for water-sensitive urban development. Because only together are we strong enough to develop innovative climate adaptation solutions.

Climate adaptation measures in Middelfart…

Excursions to watch successfully implemented solutions

The two-day conference also concluded with excursions to successfully implemented climate adaptation measures in the Brændkjær district of Kolding and in Middelfart. Here, rainwater is temporarily stored on site in troughs and basins, which not only relieves the burden on the sewage system but also enhances the neighbourhood through newly designed green spaces and parks.

About the NEPTUN project

NEPTUN is an Interreg project that connects universities, small and medium-sized enterprises and municipalities in the Danish-German border region through partnerships, knowledge exchange and innovation cooperation. The aim is to release innovation and growth potential in the water and wastewater sector as well as in climate adaptation. NEPTUN is financed by Interreg Germany-Denmark with funds from the European Regional Development Fund and runs from 2020 to 2023.

…and in Brændkjær district of Kolding


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