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Call for Nominations: 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure

Bentley Systems, Incorporated announces the call for nominations for the 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure, recognizing innovative advancements in infrastructure projects leveraging Bentley software.

von | 15.03.24

Winners of the 2023 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure celebrate their accomplishments. Nominations are open for the 2024 awards.
Source: Bentley Systems.
Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure 2024

March 15, 2024 Ι Bentley Systems announces the call for nominations for the 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure, recognizing innovative advancements in infrastructure projects leveraging Bentley software.

On March 14, 2024, Bentley Systems, Incorporated (Nasdaq: BSY), the infrastructure engineering software company, announced its call for nominations for the 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure.

2024 Going Digital Awards: Nominations Open

These awards, judged by independent panels of industry experts, acknowledge infrastructure projects for their digital advancements. The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2024. Users of Bentley software are encouraged to submit their projects to the Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure program, regardless of project phase. The three finalists selected for each awards category will receive a trip to Vancouver to attend The Year in Infrastructure and Going Digital Awards event as guests of Bentley Systems. At the conference, finalists will have the opportunity to present their projects to judges, industry leaders, and media representatives.


The 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure categories include:

  • Bridges and Tunnels
  • Construction
  • Enterprise Engineering
  • Facilities, Campuses, and Cities
  • Process and Power Generation
  • Rail and Transit
  • Roads and Highways
  • Structural Engineering
  • Subsurface Modeling and Analysis
  • Surveying and Monitoring
  • Transmission and Distribution
  • Water and Wastewater

Innovative Advancements and Sustainable Impact

These projects recognize innovative advancements and measurable impacts in infrastructure delivery and performance using Bentley software, including Bentley Infrastructure Cloud and Bentley’s iTwin Platform for infrastructure digital twins. Projects may also be recognized for advancements that empower sustainable development goals in terms of climate action, energy transition and efficiency, circularity of land and water resources, and healthy communities.

In addition to the juried awards, Bentley’s founders will honor select projects representing organizations or individuals whose undertakings contribute notably to infrastructure advancement and/or environmental and social development goals.

Every project nominated for an award receives recognition across the global infrastructure community. Through the 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure program, participants:

  • Get their infrastructure projects profiled in Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbook, which is distributed in print and digital formats to media, government, and industry influencers around the world.
  • Enhance their competitive edge by demonstrating to existing and potential clients the value that the participants add to projects through their digital innovations.
  • Receive coverage from global media and support from the Bentley team in marketing and promoting their respective projects to the media.
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