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British Water announces new board members

The company has announced the appointment of three non-executive board members who will take up their posts with the trade association in July. They are: Tania Flasck, director, Turner & Townsend; Dr Mark Fletcher, global water business leader, Arup; and Mike Froom, director, Veolia Water Technologies.

von | 27.05.20

L-R: Mark Fletcher, Tania Flasck, Mike Froom

Flasck is an environmental professional with over 20 years’ experience, predominantly in the water sector. As a director of Turner & Townsend, she is currently head of central south region and head of utilities – UK infrastructure. Her formative years were spent commissioning and operating water and wastewater treatment facilities in the UK and USA, and she has been a vice president with Jacobs and MWH. "I am absolutely delighted and excited to be joining British Water at an important point in its evolution. Water is essential to life and I firmly believe that the British water sector has so much to offer with the high standards, innovative progress made and insights to share. I look forward to working with my fellow board members and being part of the collective voice that is British Water," she said.
Dr Fletcher is an international authority on urban resilience and was welcomed by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) as a new Fellow for 2019. He has worked on the City Water Resilience Approach, developed to help cities grow their capacity to both anticipate and mitigate water-related shocks and stresses, and is faculty leader for the Arup University – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan Business School course, Resilience of Urban Systems. "I feel very proud to be able to join the board of British Water and support its work across the water sector. I am passionate about what we do and keen to ensure that British water engineers, scientists, planners, managers and companies play their part in developing increasingly more sustainable and resilient water management fit for the future," he said.
Froom has 35 years’ experience with the construction industry, initially working on major civil engineering projects, and has been dedicated to the water industry since joining Veolia Water Technologies over 25 years ago. He stated: "I am delighted to be joining the board of British Water and particularly looking forward to working with the other directors to support the significant contribution that British Water makes to the water sector on behalf of their members."

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