Additional partner funds will raise the total project value to $2.5 million. This research will further the science of risk assessment and mitigation for lead exposure, and translate this into practices that limit, or even eliminate, lead exposure for drinking water consumers, especially children and pregnant women. This work will be applicable to sensitive members of the public as well as small and large communities across the United States with different water sources and varying water quality.
This EPA grant builds on more than 45 projects related to lead and copper published by WRF since the 1980s. In 2017, WRF also initiated a research Focus Area on Lead and Copper Management, which will fund several additional projects over the next five years.
For questions regarding the WRF’s research on Lead and Copper, contact Jonathan Cuppett, WRF Research Manager (, 303.347.6122).
Source: Water Research Foundation
SeaMe: KI-Monitoring der marinen Ökosysteme bei Offshore-Windparks
Im Projekt SeaMe entwickelt RWE zusammen mit führenden Forschungspartnern innovative Technologien für ein nachhaltiges Ökosystem-Monitoring von Offshore-Windparks. Ziel ist es, teure, invasive und CO2-intensive Methoden zu ersetzen. Das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) rüstet ein autonomes Unterwasserfahrzeug mit ozeanographischen Sensoren und KI-Methoden aus, um eine präzise Datenerfassung und sichere Navigation zu ermöglichen.