With its extensive range of offers, PUMPS & VALVES convinces companies and experts as well as users from all relevant industrial sectors throughout Germany.
Trade visitors will find products, services and technical solutions from the fields of pumps and pump systems, valves, drive technology, industrial fittings, plant technology, seals and sealing systems, filters and filter systems, pipelines as well as test, measurement and control technology.
Among the exhibitors are EBARA Pumps Europe, Ebro Armaturen Gebr. Bröer, Netzsch Pumpsen & Systeme, Iwaki Europe, Kamat, Lewa and Düchting Pumpen. WP-ARO, GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau and Star Pump Alliance also present their portfolio.
In addition to the exhibitors, a top-class show program with renowned experts from industry, science and research offers exciting insights.
Top issues such as digitization and condition monitoring
The current topics in the industry are presented on open lecture stages, workshops and guided tours. This time, PUMPS & VALVES 2020 will focus on topics such as digitization, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance as well as energy efficiency and effectiveness.
The keynote will be given by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Jaberg, head of Institut für Hydraulische Strömungsmaschinen der Technischen Universität Graz on the topic "Efficiency and Effectiveness in Pumps – Sense and Nonsense". Doz. Dipl. Ing. Thomas Dimmers speaks in his lecture on the topic "Energy traps in pump systems" and leads a workshop on "Limits and possibilities of a speed controlled drive for centrifugal pumps".
Trade show visitors who are interested in future-oriented maintenance solutions for pumps and valves also benefit from the synergy effects with the simultaneous maintenance Dortmund 2020, the leading trade show for industrial maintenance.
Here too, the focus is on highlight topics such as predictive maintenance, condition monitoring and spare parts management. Visitors to both trade fairs can therefore find out about the latest tools and systems for maintenance and repair.
Free ticket to visit the trade show
The trade show ticket is valid for both trade fairs.
Get your free ticket with the code 5005 at www.pumpsvalves-dortmund.com