The Water Research Horizon Conference (WRHC) is aimed to be a platform for the dialogue on the grand challenges in water research. In its frame, the scientific community meets annually to discuss among the various disciplines to be met and overcome by integrated approaches.
The conference is not a scientific conference, where research results and projects are presented. In fact, the organizers intend to bring together national and international scientists, practitioners and policy-makers with diverse backgrounds. Participants will engage in a multi-lateral and multidisciplinary exchange about the role of research in addressing the challenges of water security and food security in the face of global change. Focus will be on the science needed to make informed decisions about water allocations and uses now and in the future. The vision is a world without hunger and with a sufficient quantity and quality of water for the various needs of the people, without compromising the vitality of ecosystems. This perspective will guide the presentations as well as discussion panels that are organised in six thematic sessions.
The six sessions are divided into two thematic groups: Group A is named "Water for Food Security" and comprises the topics Balancing Water Quantity and Quality for Agriculture, Economics of Food and Water and Water-related Ecosyytems and Agriculture. The thematic group B, "Secure Water for All", deals with Managing Water Storage Capacities, Urban Water Security and Making the Most of Marginal Water.
The preliminary conference program is already available under
Project will develop roadmap for creation of a digital twin of the European hydrosphere
The IDEATION project, which kicked off in June 2024, will spend the next two years developing a roadmap for the European Commission. This roadmap includes a reference architecture, use cases and recommendations for the future design of a “Digital Twin Inland Waters” – a virtual representation of the European inland waters including rivers, lakes, groundwater and wetlands.