In a first for the sector, British Water is partnering the International Water Association (IWA) through its UK governing member, the IWA UK committee, on the live presentations, which will reveal technological developments to protect water resources to an international audience.
Topics and case studies will include UK and international policy and strategy initiatives, the importance of regional groups and stakeholder engagement, integrated water management programs, water efficiency measures and regional resilience planning. Participants will also hear from international water resource management experts about their experiences of Covid-19 and will have the opportunity to network with industry peers.
All participants will be invited to contribute to a written output which will be used to support IWA members who work in this field.
IWA UK committee chair Benjamin Tam said: "The webinars will cover topics from policy and strategy to planning and operations and will promote a collaborative approach from policy makers to deliverers. We look forward to welcoming utilities, innovators and end-users from several continents and having insightful conversations on securing long-term water resource resilience."
The event will take place on:
Thursday 9 July 2020
Thursday 30 July 2020
For more details and to book:
Geheimnisse des Toten Meeres entschlüsselt: Forscherteam deckt raschen Wasserspiegelrückgang auf
Ein internationales Forschungsteam um Prof. Dr. Julius Jara-Muñoz hat die Geschichte des Toten Meeres neu beleuchtet: Innerhalb von nur 2.000 Jahren sank der Wasserspiegel des prähistorischen Sees Lisan um 150 Meter – viel früher und schneller als gedacht. Mithilfe moderner Drohnentechnik und fossiler „Zeitkapseln“ konnten die Wissenschaftler wertvolle Einblicke in vergangene Klimaveränderungen gewinnen, die Parallelen zu heutigen Umweltproblemen ziehen.