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Legiolert® receives NF Validation Certification

The Legiolert® test from IDEXX, used for the rapid, confirmed enumeration of Legionella pneumophila in hot and cold sanitary water and cooling tower water, has been granted the NF Validation by AFNOR Certification, under the reference No IDX 33/06 – 06/19, the company announced on July 2.

von | 09.07.19

The AFNOR Certification follows a study that was carried by independent expert laboratories. The performance of the Legiolert® method was judged equivalent to the performance of standard EN ISO 11731, used worldwide, and NF T90-431, used in France. The trial results involving 14 laboratories showed good reproducibility of the method and data from the study was then subjected to rigorous scrutiny by an expert committee made up of stakeholders from regulatory authorities, users from public, private and industrial laboratories, and manufacturers.

The test

The IDEXX Legiolert® test is a rapid method for the detection of Legionella pneumophila, the primary causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease. It was launched in Europe in 2017 by IDEXX to complement its portfolio of water microbiology testing solutions for the monitoring of water within buildings and facilities, and to assist in the simplification of testing and reduce the risk posed by Legionnaires’ disease.
"The advantages that Legiolert has over current tests in terms of speed, accuracy and ease of use can be potentially life-saving and have been recognized in a number of independent studies," commented Andrew Headland, Associate Director, IDEXX.

The method

The IDEXX Legiolert® test is a culture method based on a bacterial enzyme detection technology that signals the presence of Legionella pneumophila through utilization of a substrate present in the Legiolert reagent. Legionella pneumophila cells grow rapidly and reproduce using the rich supply of amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients present in the Legiolert reagent. Actively growing strains of Legionella pneumophila use the added substrate to produce a brown color indicator. Legiolert detects Legionella pneumophila within seven days at one organism in a 100 ml sample for potable water and at 100 organisms in a 100 ml non-potable sample, such as cooling tower water.
For more information contact Richard Kerns at NEPR.

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