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Wastewater: Salt Lake City to raise the bar in biological treatment

The Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) in Salt Lake City (USA) will play a pivotal role in the sustainable management of water resources in the region. The facility will employ a multi-stage treatment process including advanced biological nutrient removal techniques.

von | 11.10.24

HyperClassic®-Mixer Evolution7 during installation in an anoxic tank.
© Invent

The company Invent is contributing to the facility’s pioneering role by supplying and installing 30 energy-efficient HyperClassic®-Mixers in the new biological nutrient removal process.

Wastewater will undergo rigorous treatment processes

Nestled in the heart of Central Valley, this state-of-the-art facility demonstrates the commitment of environmental stewardship and water conservation in Salt Lake City. Covering an expansive area, the facility is equipped with cutting-edge technology designed to treat and reclaim wastewater efficiently. The primary objective is to ensure that wastewater discharged from various sources undergoes rigorous treatment processes, meeting stringent effluent nitrogen and phosphorous quality standards before being released back into the environment.

The facility will employ a multi-stage treatment process that begins with the removal of solid particles through screening and sedimentation. Subsequently, advanced biological nutrient removal (BNR) treatment methods will be employed to remove total phosphorus and total nitrogen, ensuring the effluent will meet the stringent effluent limits set by State of Utah.

Efficient mixers required

BNR treatment systems are known to have large sections of biological treatment operating with lower oxygen levels (anoxic) or even without any oxygen (anaerobic). To ensure the biology will remain suspended during these phases, efficient mixing of the wastewater is required. Aiming to maximize energy efficiency and minimize maintenance, the plant owners decided to apply the Invent HyperClassic®-Mixers for this task.

In the Anoxic zones of the newly constructed aeration basins, sixteen 8 ft diameter HyperClassic®-Mixers Evolution7 will be used to keep the biology suspended. Furthermore, twelve mixers will be installed to mix the anaerobic basins, and two will be used to suspend the return activated sludge. Alongside the 30 HyperClassic®-Mixers Evolution7, CVWRF will also have Invent mixers in their chlorination channel and side stream nutrient removal facility.

Environmentally conscious water management

During design, Invent Environmental Technologies Inc. advised CVWRF to use the newest mixer-body design, the HyperClassic®-Mixer Evolution7. The solution was introduced to optimize mixing efficiency at even lower energy consumption. The research for this mixer was performed by Invent and applied modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD modeling) and 3D printing for rapid prototyping. While this type of mixer is already used on various large plants worldwide, CVWRF was the first to use them in the State of Utah.

In conclusion, CVWRF will set a standard for responsible water reclamation practices through its comprehensive biological treatment processes and the implementation of modern energy efficient treatment equipment. In an era where water scarcity is a global concern, the Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility will stand as a testament to the power of proactive and environmentally conscious water management.

Further information about the facility is available here.

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