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New deep-sea crustacean unveiled: a predator from the hadal zone

Scientists have uncovered a new deep-sea predator from the hadal zone, a harsh environment where few creatures survive. The newly discovered crustacean, Dulcibella camanchaca, reveals the remarkable adaptability of life in extreme ocean depths. This finding opens doors to understanding how organisms thrive in one of Earth’s most inhospitable places.

von | 24.01.25

Ducibella camanchacais a fast-swimming predator researchers named after “darkness.” At nearly 4 centimeters in length, this crustacean uses specialized raptorial appendages to capture and preyupon smaller amphipod species.The newly discovered crustacean is the first large, active predatory amphipod from the extreme depths of Atacama Trench.
Source: Johanna Weston, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

This discovery highlights the remarkable adaptive evolution required for survival in the extreme conditions of deep-sea environments and emphasizes the critical need for continued exploration and study of these remote ecosystems.

Discovery of dulcibella camanchaca

The ocean’s hadal zone, defined by crushing pressure and total darkness, might seem uninhabitable, but it is home to an unexpected variety of unique creatures. Each new species discovered in this area helps scientists understand how life adapts and thrives in one of Earth’s most hostile environments. A recent study in Systematics and Biodiversity introduces one such species: Dulcibella camanchaca, a newly identified deep-sea crustacean.

A new predator in the Atacama Trench

It’s the first known large, active predatory amphipod from the hadal depths. Researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía (IMO) at the Universidad de Concepción, Chile, made the groundbreaking discovery.

“Dulcibella camanchaca is a fast-swimming predator that we named after ‘darkness’ in the languages of the peoples from the Andes region to signify the deep, dark ocean from where it predates,” explained Dr. Johanna Weston, the study’s co-lead author and a hadal ecologist at WHOI.

At nearly 4 centimeters in length, this crustacean uses specialized raptorial appendages to capture and prey on smaller amphipod species in the Atacama Trench’s food-limited environment. Stretching along the eastern South Pacific Ocean, the trench plunges to depths exceeding 8,000 meters off the coast of northern Chile and has long fascinated scientists. Beneath nutrient-rich surface waters, the Atacama Trench is geographically isolated from other hadal environments, hosting a distinctive community of native species.

“Most excitingly, the DNA and morphology data pointed to this species being a new genus too, emphasizing the Atacama Trench as an endemic hotspot,” continued Weston.

Deep-ocean exploration in the Atacama Trench

This remarkable discovery is part of the 2023 Integrated Deep-Ocean Observing System (IDOOS) Expedition aboard the R/V Abate Molina, led by scientists from the Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía (IMO). Four individuals of Dulcibella camanchaca were collected at a depth of 7,902 meters using a lander vehicle, an untethered platform designed to carry scientific equipment, including baited traps, to and from the ocean floor. After being safely brought back to the ship’s deck, the recovered amphipods were frozen and subjected to detailed morphological and genetic analysis at the Universidad de Concepción.

Ducibella camanacha causes specialized raptorial appendages to capture and prey upon smaller amphipod species in the Atacama Trench’s food-limited realm. The trench stretches along the eastern South Pacific Ocean, plunging to depths exceeding 8,000 meters. Credit: Johanna Weston, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Collaboration and new discoveries

“This study’s collaborative effort and integrative approach confirmed Dulcibella camanchaca as a new species and highlights ongoing biodiversity discoveries in the Atacama Trench. This finding underlines the importance of continued deep-ocean exploration, particularly in Chile’s front yard,” said Dr. Carolina González, co-lead author from IMO, responsible for sample collection and DNA analysis. “More discoveries are expected as we continue to study the Atacama Trench.”

As exploration technology advances, scientists anticipate uncovering more species, each offering insights into the evolutionary pressures and adaptations unique to the deep ocean. The results of this study will contribute to broader efforts to understand deep-ocean ecosystems and protect them from emerging threats, such as pollution and climate change.

Original publication: Full article: A new large predator (Amphipoda, Eusiridae) hidden at hadal depths of the Atacama Trench

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