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International water experts discuss how AI is reshaping the water industry

"Artificial Intelligence: Reshaping the Water Industry" is the theme of this year's Blue Planet Berlin Water Dialogues on 22 November 2022. Following two successful digital conferences in 2021 with up to 700 international participants, this year’s online event is dedicated to the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in the intersection of policy, research, and application.

von | 30.09.22

September 30, 2022 | “Artificial Intelligence: Reshaping the Water Industry” is the theme of this year’s Blue Planet Berlin Water Dialogues on 22 November 2022. Following two successful digital conferences in 2021 with up to 700 international participants, this year’s online event is dedicated to the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in the intersection of policy, research, and application.

The internationally oriented event format is supported by the Export Initiative Environmental Protection GreenTech “Made in Germany” of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the Berlin Senate Department for Economics,  Energy and Public Enterprises (SenWeb).

A forum to discuss future-oriented water management

Blue Planet Berlin Water Dialogues is the global networking platform connecting international stakeholders from research, business, and politics in the field of innovative water management. The digital event format provides a forum to discuss approaches for futureoriented and sustainable water resource management in view of the growing global challenges posed by climate change. This year’s edition on 22 November will therefore focus on the potentials and challenges of applying AI in the water sector. In addition, international best practice examples from the industry will be highlighted.

Flood events are the natural disasters that affect the most people globally due to climate change, the number of people affected is increasing dramatically. Sella Nevo, software engineer at the Google Flood Forecasting Initiative, will be the first keynote speaker to present one of the leading AIbased solutions that provides highly accurate flood forecasts and warnings worldwide. Nicolas Zimmer, Chairman of the Board of the Technology Foundation Berlin, will give another keynote addressing the public perspective on the application of AI in the water sector and will discuss public funding of AI projects in the water sector, data governance and the opportunities and challenges of working with private companies.

New international applications will be shown

Conference participants will also gain exciting insights into innovative, international application examples and technologies from Germany, Spain, the USA, the Netherlands, and the UK. Further breakout sessions will encourage indepth discussions on the topics of data quantity and quality as well as the opportunities and challenges of implementing AI applications in water management.

The digital event is aimed at an international audience, will be held in English and is free of charge for participants.

Blue Planet

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