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2023 Danube Water Conference

The 2023 Danube Water Conference will convene on 31 May to 2 June 2023 in Vienna, Austria. The conference will be attended by more than 150 high-level water sector representatives from the Danube region to discuss existing and emerging challenges of the region's water sector.

von | 11.05.23

The Conference will draw more than 150 senior water sector representatives from the Danube region.
Bild: Mike Wolf/Pixabay

May 11, 2023 ǀ The 2023 Danube Water Conference will convene on 31 May to 2 June 2023 in Vienna, Austria. The conference will be attended by more than 150 high-level water sector representatives from the Danube region to discuss existing and emerging challenges of the region’s water sector.

The 2023 Danube Water Conference “Navigating Changing Waters: New ways to overcome emerging challenges of the water sector in the Danube region” will convene on 31 May to 2 June, 2023 in Austria’s capital city Vienna, back to back with the UBP Danube Hub workshop to take place on 30 May. This conference is organised by the Danube Water Program, run by IAWD and the World Bank, and co-funded by the Austrian Government.

A constant challenge for water and wastewater utilities

Navigating in a constantly changing environment, keeping the level of service provision despite rising energy bills and an aging workforce, and at the same time investing in performance improvement has become a constant stretch for water and wastewater utilities. The Conference will draw more than 150 senior water sector representatives from the Danube region to discuss on existing and emerging challenges of the region’s water sector with sessions exploring best practice examples how to manage them and interactive discussions identifying new ways to overcome them.

Very interesting key issues in climate change, flooding, and more

The key topics are Flood Forecasting and Management in the Danube River Basin, Drought Prediction and Implications for the Danube Water Management, Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrological System in the Danube River Basin and others. The Conference’s language will be English. Only physical participation will be possible.

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