According to an article released by the The Dubrovnik Times, the reason for the water loss lies on the fact that "the vast majority of the water pipes throughout the fresh water system are older than 50 years old meaning a huge problem with leakages".
Withdrawing money from the available European Union funds could be a possible solution for improving the system; another alternative would be the unification of utility companies – Croatia has approximately 200 of them.
The news portal Total Croatia News has also published a similar article about the topic.
More about water statistics in the European Union are available here.
SeaMe: KI-Monitoring der marinen Ökosysteme bei Offshore-Windparks
Im Projekt SeaMe entwickelt RWE zusammen mit führenden Forschungspartnern innovative Technologien für ein nachhaltiges Ökosystem-Monitoring von Offshore-Windparks. Ziel ist es, teure, invasive und CO2-intensive Methoden zu ersetzen. Das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) rüstet ein autonomes Unterwasserfahrzeug mit ozeanographischen Sensoren und KI-Methoden aus, um eine präzise Datenerfassung und sichere Navigation zu ermöglichen.